AHBI Grants
At AHBI, our mission is to empower African students and researchers by offering a diverse range of grants. These grants include, but are not limited to, travel, conference attendance, research, and conservation projects. By providing this support, we aim to promote impactful contributions to African Herpetology.
Current Grants
Testudine research in Africa
Total price: TBC
This research grant will be given to an African student working on Tortoises in Africa in any field; however, taxonomy, ecology, or conservation will be prioritised. Keep a look out on the AHBI website and our social media pages to see the announcement of the grant.
Previous Grants
Student Herpetological Association of Africa 16th Conference grant
Application requirements: Submit via email (details below) a single document with the following components. 1) A cover page with your proposed talk/poster title, author information, and a brief abstract of the work you will present (300-word maximum). 2) A personal statement explaining your connections to herpetology and why attending the HAA would be valuable to your personal or professional development (maximum 1 page). 3) A statement of financial need (300-word maximum). Finally, a letter of support from your primary advisor is required, stating their support for you to attend the HAA. Students must be current members of the HAA.
If awarded, applicants will receive the grant (R2500) in person at the HAA. It is the hope of the AHBI that the grantee’s advisors will pay upfront costs that can be reimbursed at the conference, as not all students are able to pay those costs in advance.
Final submission date: 20 August 2024
Submission: Applications should be submitted in the form of a single PDF to africanherpbioinstitute@gmail.com
Students from underrepresented communities in the field of African Herpetology are highly encouraged to apply. Should no applicant meet the standards set out by the AHBI committee, AHBI has the right to withhold the grants.